Get fresh & local products from your near by stores!


How does Bitefleet work?

Never worry about local stores

Enter location and Start ordering items from selected or nearby store.

Skip the hassle, shop smart

Bitefleet provides fresh healthy products daily, and we pick it from your local stores.

Get grocery at doorstep on time

No delay and grocery delivered directly to your kitchen counter

Buy Groceries Online!
Save time and avoid the line!

Bitefleet is a premium online grocery shopping service that has been shipping groceries throughout the country. We meticulously hand-package each order using pristine new


Download Bitefleet App and you will love it!

It's all at your fingertips -- the Grocery stores you love. Find the right products to suit your mood, and make the first bite last. Go ahead, download us. Download Bitefleet App Today!


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What our customers

Kimberly Zane

I recently used Bitefleet, to have supplies delivered to a local hotel for my friends who were there for a weekend trip. Bitefleet facilitated my purchases perfectly, emailed my receipt promptly, and had everything delivered in plenty of time for their arrival. It was a wonderful surprise for them and Bitefleet made that possible. I would totally recommend Bitefleet to anyone needing supplies or groceries.

Kimberly Zane
Gabrial M

Bitefleet provides authentic organic products with no compromise in quality. The vegetables are exceptionally fresh and delicious. I have been buying my weekly vegetable and fruit stock from Bitefleet since a while now and am completely satisfied. If anyone needs to shop local and get a quick delivery, Bitefleet is the place to be.

Gabrial M